A young man solves a Rubik’s cube with his feet.

Stephen Yang

How to Set a World Record

Daniel Rose-Levine used to love reading Guinness World Records when he was younger. Today, he is proud to appear in the 2020 edition of the book! Daniel, now 16, set a world record by solving a Rubik’s Cube in less than 17 seconds— with his feet!

Here are some tips for getting your name in the record book.

1) Find your talent. First, choose a record to break. Page through Guinness World Records for ideas, or think of something you’re good at. Daniel began solving Rubik’s Cubes at camp. He was soon winning competitions.

“I started with my hands,” Daniel says. “I switched to feet when I hurt my hands from cubing so much.”

2) Practice makes perfect. If you want to become the best in the world at something, you need to put in the time. “When I was preparing for the record, I was practicing for five hours a day,” Daniel explains.

3) Know the rules—then go for it! Guinness has strict rules you’ll need to follow. Some records aren’t even open to kids younger than 16 for safety reasons. So be sure to visit the book’s website and check out the guidelines.

Before you get started, Daniel has some advice.

“If you want to do it,” he says, “you can do it.”

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