Split image showing Books vs. Screens with a kid reaching for a book and another kid using a tablet

Debate photos courtesy of families; Shutterstock.com (all other images)

Books vs. Screens

Do you love turning the pages of a book? Or do you prefer swiping across a screen as you read an e-book? For many kids, reading on a laptop or tablet feels natural. They are used to doing homework, watching videos, and playing games on screens. 

But printed books are still more popular. When reading for fun, kids ages 8 to 12 devote much more time to reading print books than e-books, according to a survey by Common Sense Media.

Studies have shown that reading on paper may also be better for learning.

“We concentrate more when reading in print than reading on a digital screen. We go more slowly,” says Naomi Baron. She wrote a book about how technology is changing the way people read. 

Also, some people argue that kids spend too much time in front of screens and need to give their eyes a break. 

Here’s what two of our readers think.

There are fewer distractions when reading a printed book. You don’t get bothered by text messages and aren’t tempted to watch videos. That makes it easier to focus when reading a physical book.

Everything is so fast-paced. We need to slow down. Something as simple as turning one page of a book at a time, instead of scrolling, helps.

Screens are much more convenient than printed books. Instead of carrying heavy books, you can keep a whole library on a tablet or a smartphone. I can read as much as I want whenever I want! 

Plus, downloading an e-book takes only a few minutes. It’s much easier than going to a store to buy a printed book.

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