Illustration of people eating at a restaurant while another family waits to be seated

Illustration by Charles Lehman; Debate photos courtesy of families

Should Restaurants Ban Smartphones?

Kota Kai was frustrated. The restaurant owner in Tokyo, Japan, was tired of watching customers stare at their phones while their food got cold. Because they were distracted, they took a long time to finish their meals. So other guests had to wait longer for a table. In March, Kai banned people from using smartphones in his ramen shop during busy times.

Some diners like the rules Kai is serving. They point out that going to a restaurant is supposed to be about having a good time with friends and family. Many people think it’s rude to text or watch videos instead of talking to the people at your table. 

But others say they shouldn’t be asked to turn off their phones. They argue that as long as the device is in silent mode, it’s not bothering anyone. Many customers say using their phones can actually be good for business. They can spread the word about restaurants by taking photos of their meals and posting them on social media.

Here’s what two of our readers think.

When you go out to eat with your family, you expect a nice evening together. My parents ask me to put away my phone because we want to enjoy each other’s company. If another customer is on their phone making noise, it can be distracting.  

And if you’re busy looking at your phone, you won’t be ready when the waiter comes to take your order. That could make everyone else have to wait longer for their food.

Customers pay to eat at a restaurant. They should be able to enjoy their time however they want. That includes being able to use their phone.  

Plus, people need their phones for emergencies and important calls. What if your parents are out to dinner and you need to reach them? Also, restaurants that don’t allow phones might get fewer customers. If the business loses enough money, it will have to shut down. 

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