These resources are aligned to social justice standards developed by Learning For Justice.
Diversity 8 DI.3-5.8
I want to know more about other people’s lives and experiences, and I know how to ask questions respectfully and listen carefully and non-judgmentally.
Diversity 10 DI.3-5.10
I know that the way groups of people are treated today, and the way they have been treated in the past, is a part of what makes them who they are.
Justice 12 JU.3-5.12
I know when people are treated unfairly, and I can give examples of prejudice words, pictures and rules.
Justice 13 JU.3-5.13
I know that words, behaviors, rules and laws that treat people unfairly based on their group identities cause real harm.
Action 17 AC.3-5.17
I know it’s important for me to stand up for myself and for others, and I know how to get help if I need ideas on how to do this.
Action 19 AC.3-5.19
I will speak up or do something when I see unfairness, and I will not let others convince me to go along with injustice.
A list of all social justice standards are available here.